Monday 9 January 2012

To Conclude.

Today is the today, when this blog unfortunately comes to end :-(  I have thoroughly enjoyed this opportunity to explore the palm oil industry and the diverse impacts it is having socially, economically and environmentally.

Through analysing the literature and media posted in this blog, it is evident that palm oil plantations have undoubtedly caused large scale damage to the environment, particularly impacting on vulnerable species and local communities. Environmental damage is still prevalent, however, continuing efforts by governments and organisations such as the Malaysia Palm Oil Council (MPOC),  RSPO, FELDA are ensuring that steps are being made to reduce the environmental damage and make a move towards greater sustainability in the industry.

Ensuring sustainability in the industry is critical as the versatile nature of palm oil has led to extensive consumer reliance on the product and therefore, banning the production of palm oil is simply not an option. Additionally the income Indonesia and Malaysia receive from palm oil exports is a significant proportion of their GDP and in many cases has alleviated poverty. However this blog, has highlighted that unless everyone participating in the palm oil industry is supportive of a move towards sustainability, it is unlikely to be achieved. It is not a problem limited to the supply side but one that consumers must participate in, e.g. through demanding products that contain sustainably sourced palm oil.

Attention was drawn to the Greenpeace campaign that illustrated Nestle to be utilising unsustainable palm oil resources. Whether or not Nestle was as guilty as they were portrayed, in the interest of the entire globe, it should be stipulated that large companies have no choice but to source all their resources, not just palm oil from sustainable projects.

I feel my experience volunteering in the village of Batu Puteh, Borneo has allowed me to empathise with the impacts discussed in the academic literature, newspaper articles and videos. adding a personal perspective to this blog. I hope by adopting this angle, it has enabled all you followers to grasp a better understanding of the complexities of the palm oil industry.

This is end, the day we should stop palming off the earth.....

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